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The only way to get immediate protection for your business.

Administration has the following benefits:

  • Immediate protection from your Company’s creditors;
  • All ongoing legal action is stopped;
  • Trade can continue whilst you assess your options;
  • You get to choose the Administrator that you will work with;
  • The Company still has the option to propose a rescue plan, CVA or Liquidation;
  • Provides the opportunity to restructure the business into a more profitable form.

Administration provides immediate protection from recovery action being taken by Company creditors such as your suppliers or HMRC. This buys you time to determine the best strategy for you and your business.

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Whilst it can be a tough decision to choose to place your Company into Administration, the immediate protection provided often makes it by far the best way to save your business.

We will support you throughout the Administration process to ensure that you understand your options and their impact on your business.

Appointing an Administrator

pete-headPeter James Anderson

Licensed Insolvency Practitioner

During the 10 day period whilst your Limited Company is protected we will work with you understand your objective.

In most cases, the Administration process is started by the Directors filing a Notice of Intention to Appoint an Administrator. This form is a simple document that we will arrange to complete and file at Court for you. As soon as the notice of intention has been filed your Company is protected from all ongoing and potential legal and recovery action for a period of 10 business days.

You are only required to disclose the Notice of Intention to the

Company’s charge holders (who would usually be your factoring company or a bank you have a loan with) together with any creditors who are threatening legal action. Because the Notice of Intention is not in the public domain your suppliers, customers and staff will not need to be told that you have started the Administration process. This provides us with the opportunity to work with you to decide on how best to proceed in saving the business.

How Administration Works

During the 10 day period whilst your Limited Company is protected we will work with you understand your objectives for the business whilst also establishing your Company’s financial position and the value of its assets. Based on this we will agree with you whether the Company should continue to trade, go into Administration (which may be as a Pre Pack) or take a different insolvency option like CVA or Liquidation.

When we have been appointed as Administrators we will seek to realise the Company’s assets.  When doing this, we are required to obtain the best price we can for the Company’s assets as a whole.

Almost invariably the assets will be of most value to you as its existing Directors as you know the business and have already worked hard to build it to its current form. Because of this, you will be in a position to immediately agree a buy back of the business and assets free of the Company historic debts.  Depending on the nature of the assets and the amount of money involved, we can usually agree sensible payment terms for the purchase.

For free advice on your business debts call us today on 0800 0843 406

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We will always take time to listen to you to understand the issues that your Business is facing and the outcome you are hoping for. We will then be able to advise you on the best solution for You and Your Business.

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